(Mature Size: 20"T x 48"W)
- Hosta 'Fragrant Blue' is a medium sized hosta with chalky blue leaves that hold the blue color due to the tendency of producing new foliage throughout the growing season.
- Nice blue leaves have some corrugation and a gentle waviness to the margin.
- This is one of our favorite blue hostas for its vigor and tendency to hold the blue late into the season.
- Although it holds the blue color well this hosta will be blue-green to green by late summer especially if grown in some direct sunlight.
- Certainly has the ability to reach the listed size but we have seen this hosta stay around 15"T x 30"W in less than desirable conditions.
- Barely fragrant light lavender flowers in late summer.
Why Should I Grow It? Nice mound of soft blue foliage that stays blue.
(K. Vaughn/P. Aden/AHS 1988)
Medium Hosta Cultivar
Color: Blue
Size: 20 inches tall by 48 inches wide
Type: Blue Hosta
Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container